Sunday, May 17, 2020

An Investigation Into The Retail Sector - 1857 Words

An investigation into the retail sector with a view to helping a temporary business Michael Conacher-Finnegan HND Retail Management Dundee and Angus College 1. Topic for investigation An investigation into the retail sector with a view to helping a temporary business 2. Objectives for the investigation †¢ To deter internal thefts †¢ To deter external thefts †¢ To investigate the ways good customer service can increase in store spending †¢ To gain information about uniforms and research the benefits of having a uniform in the workplace †¢ To discover forms of advertising for a temporary business and the benefits of doing so †¢ To investigate pricing strategies to discover the best one to suit a temporary business 3. Units selected for investigation with reasons for choice 3:1 Retail Security Retail Security has been chosen because there is reason to believe that Brick Lane DD1 as a temporary business will have both internal and external security issues. 3:2 Creating a Culture of Customer Care Creating a Culture of Customer Care has been chosen because as Brick Lane DD1 is a temporary business there are ways that the employees can improve customer spending and the possibility of an implementation of a uniform to look more professional. 3:3 Marketing Practice: An Introduction Marketing Practice: An Introduction has been chosen because Brick Lane DD1 as temporary business will need to be maximum exposure to make quick profits.Show MoreRelatedAn Investigation Of Purchasing Conduct Of Retail Clients Essay1672 Words   |  7 Pages CERTIFICATE I Dr. Preeti garg thus confirm that Sachin Yadav understudy of Bachelor of Commerce at Amity College of Commerce Finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has finished the Term Paper on An investigation of purchasing conduct of retail clients in Big Bazaar, under my direction. 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